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Leamington Spa 01926 422 101     Coventry 02476 229 582

Janine Thomson: third person in the country to be awarded with the Family Law Assistant Certificate by Resolution

Janine Thomson, assistant to Séverine Vincent (Associate Solicitor) is the third person in the country to be awarded with the Family Law Assistant Certificate by Resolution.

Whilst working full time, Janine has had to complete five in depth assignments, achieving in excess of the 70% pass mark required by Resolution, covering different aspects of family law:

  • Marriage and civil partnership; dissolution and judicial separation
  • Domestic abuse
  • Ancillary relief
  • Unmarried couples (cohabitation, property and children matters)
  • Children

Having received her first assignment in early March 2010, Janine completed all five assignments in just over three months, well within the 12 month period permitted by Resolution.

Resolution has recognised the knowledge and experience Janine has in family law by awarding her with the Family Law Assistant Certificate, which permits her to apply to become a member of Resolution.

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