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Leamington Spa 01926 422 101     Coventry 02476 229 582

Lockdown and Conveyancing

The Conveyancing market has this year, along with the rest of the world, witnessed one of the most difficult and unprecedented times, that no one could have predicted or expected.

However, we are pleased to report that we have been able to keep the Conveyancing Department up and running throughout the lockdown period, although initially working remotely from home we are now all back in the office in a safe socially distanced environment.

Initially when the guidelines were stricter we still managed to move some matters forward to completion on a simultaneous basis and where the risk was at a minimum, for example houses that were empty or buy to let properties where our clients would not be moving in immediately and therefore would not be at risk.

As the restrictions are slowly lifting we are finding ourselves increasingly busier, with matters which we had worked on to move along now ready to exchange or already have done so with fixed completion dates.  We have also seen a considerable increase in new work and are happy to report that the market does seem to be getting back on its feet.

Throughout the lockdown we have kept in contact with the Estate Agents, most of them similar to us working remotely but problem solving to make sure that matters could move forward wherever possible.

We are pleased to report however that in the last couple of weeks we have spoken further with the Agents who have advised that prospective buyers are now able to view properties, taking the safety procedures into consideration, which is resulting in offers being made and accepted which in turn results in new work for us.

We also are very much looking forward to meeting up with our clients very soon albeit from a distance!

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